After a two year hair-dye ban, I've bitten the bullet and added to my virgin hair! A couple of years ago, I completely ruined my hair with bleach and other dye and it fell out. It was in such terrible condition that I vowed there and then to get my hair back to it's natural state again. I naturally have mousey blonde hair now which goes quite light in the summer.
You can see the different blonde/mousey tones in my natural hair here.
However, over the weekend I was feeling a bit crazy and just went for it! I used an all over platinum dye first but it left my hair a kind of custard colour, beautiful at the ends but very yellowy at the roots. So I then picked up some light ash blonde dye. The ash in the colour gets rid of yellow tones and neutralises it, good tip there ;) And this it the result after the second dye!
So, It's not the biggest change in the world, but i like it. It has platinum, silver, purple, blue tones in it. I have also got some lilac dye which I might put on top to give it an extra something! But for the moment, I'm embracing this change!
Cornish Beauty.