Monday, 25 February 2013


After a two year hair-dye ban, I've bitten the bullet and added to my virgin hair! A couple of years ago, I completely ruined my hair with bleach and other dye and it fell out. It was in such terrible condition that I vowed there and then to get my hair back to it's natural state again. I naturally have mousey blonde hair now which goes quite light in the summer.

You can see the different blonde/mousey tones in my natural hair here.

However, over the weekend I was feeling a bit crazy and just went for it! I used an all over platinum dye first but it left my hair a kind of custard colour, beautiful at the ends but very yellowy at the roots. So I then picked up some light ash blonde dye. The ash in the colour gets rid of yellow tones and neutralises it, good tip there ;) And this it the result after the second dye!

So, It's not the biggest change in the world, but i like it. It has platinum, silver, purple, blue tones in it. I have also got some lilac dye which I might put on top to give it an extra something! But for the moment, I'm embracing this change!

Cornish Beauty.

i'm with the drummer.

Well, well, well. It appears I am engaged to rock legend! I am the most proud person in the world right now. My incredibly talented fiance, Chris has landed himself a new project and entered established band Suitnoir as their new drummer.

Chris. In the video for 'Heart Shaped Eyes'

Suitnoir EP launch 2013.

The band are based in Cornwall (duhhhh) and have been going for years, through many line-up changes but always fronted by Rich. Now, Pixie & Chris complete the three piece line-up bringing a fresh sound to the Cornish music scene. After only two practises together, the band held their EP release (and Chris' first gig) at Bunters Bar in Truro. A small but well known venue in Cornwall.

The evening was a complete success and the band were increible. Already looking like they'd played together for years. I, for one had a great night and can't wait to see Chris play more. I get so proud seeing him on stage!

Cornish Beauty.


I have to admit, I'm one of those people that always want the summer when it's winter and always want the winter when it's summer. I get bored pretty easily and always looking forward to the next season. But I really am dying for summer. I miss the warmth, I miss the sun, but most of all, I miss the light! I am slightly suffering from S.A.D this winter I fear.

Looking forward to more ice-creams at Eden this summer!

A glass of vino in the warm evening sunshine in the garden with Phoenix!

I think the problem with me is that, I love summer & I love winter. BUT I live in Britain and we don't have seasons like this, they all just merge into one. But the worst thing is being bundled up! I wanna be in flip-flops again :( I'll stop moaning and leave you with some pretty photos of my cottage in the sumer. lets hope it will be a nice summer this year!

Summer is...
long walks
the beach
Costa pink grapefruit juice
windows & doors open
evening in the gardens
light evenings
light at 10pm!
summer gigs
Eden sessions

Cornish Beauty.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

100th Post!

Oh la la! How very exciting. I've written 100 blog posts on this blog and may I say, I am rather proud of that.

100 Blog Posts!

I started Cornish Beauty last year thinking it would just be another project that I started up and it would fizzle out quite soon after starting it, but here we are. It's become and love and a joy writing on this blog. Whilst I have bigger hopes for it, for a minute it's my little corner of the internet that i can express my feelings about whatever I like.

Considering I'm the beauty junkie that I am, I'm quite surprised to discover that I've enjoyed writing lifestyle posts a lot more. They mean something to me and it's a therapy for me. I will still be doing beauty related posts but I just don't want the pressure of promising that this blog is something that is isn't.

Thanks for visiting this site, if you have & I hope you enjoy. Here's to many more posts and the future of Cornish Beauty.

Cornish Beauty.

25 facts about me.

1. I am pure Cornish...bloody ansom'.
2. I used to be an emo.
3. I experienced the most un-romantic proposal ever, but it was perfect <3.
4. My fiance is a very talented drummer.
5. I love Steps (the band that is).
6. Yoga is my new passion. Obsessed.
7. I once queued for a McFly & Busted concert for 7 hours. And cried when they came on stage.
8. I gained 13 GCSE's whilst at school.
9. My lucky/magic number is 6.
10. I've had my wedding dress picked out for a year now. 
11. I'm a bit obsessed with avocados. Yum.
12. I used to smoke 20-30 cigarettes a day.
13. I have NEVER done drugs.
14. I knew Chris for four years before we started dating.
15. I watched my little sister give birth.
16. My hair has been every colour under the sun.
17. I have no idea what i want to do, career wise.
18. I've suffered with Generalised Anxiety Disorder for many years.
19. I've travelled to Menorca 15 times.
20. I am a complete emotional wreck most of the time.
21. My engagement ring is the single most precious thing I own.
22. I would love to go to Bali one day.
23. I only have a handful of true friends, but they are all I need.
24. My favourite alcoholic drinks are gin, rose wine or cocktails.
25. I used to be a ballet dancer.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

cornwall | Fifteen.

For my birthday last year, my lovely dad (who thinks of the most thoughtful gifts) presented me with a voucher for Jamie Oliver's FIFTEEN restaurant here in Cornwall. I've never been before so was really excited! Chris and I decided to save the vouchers for a little while for when were on holiday together at the beginning of this year. So, on 3rd January we dragged ourselves out of bed super early and headed down to Newquay. Fifteen is located ON the beach at Watergate Bag. And I mean ON the beach! You can't beat the location.

We booked in for breakfast there after hearing rave reviews about their breakfast. The day we went was grey and windy and rainy, but it didn't matter, this was out special treat!

The restaurant itself is very special-modern, cosy and cool. We had the best seat-window seats looking out onto the beach and beating waves below us. It was literally perfection. I chose the porridge which was quite incredible, you can't beat porridge right?! Chris went for the famous Fifteen Fry-up which looked amazing. We shared juices of fresh orange & pink grapefruit (it was worth going just for those-amazing!) and enjoyed a coffee after. All in all it was £30 altogether which is bloody good considering the food and the fact that something like that is a treat and not something you do everyday.

We can't wait to go back again & I have a feeling it's going to become 'our place' to go there for breakfast when we fancy a treat :).

Cornish Beauty.


I was proper poorly over New Year (typical!) but enjoyed it nether the less. Chris & I bought some bubbly and watched the countdown on the tv whilst snuggled in our jarmas. I don't have any particular wishes for 2013, just that my family and friends are happy and healthy and all our wishes come true.

The older you get, the more you realise that just because its New Years and a new year has started, the slate doesn't get wiped clean. There is not a new page to turn. It carries on from the year before. It's up to you to 'make a fresh start', not the new year. You make this year what you want.

Cornish Beauty.

cornwall | carne & pendower.

What do I need to say about this? A beautiful day, my two favourite people and a bloody incredible beach. Perfection

Cornish Beauty.

THIS is true love.

With Valentines Day coming our way, I just wanted to share a couple of photos of my grandparents. Two of the most influential & important people in my life. They've been married over 60 years and their stories and history is incredible. I love with more than words can say. And the more time that goes on, the more troubles they face. Things get very difficult the older you get but their love is still so powerful and clear for all to see. I only hope that I can be as happy as they have been, for as long as they have. Truly inspirational.

This is for you, Mr & Mrs Thomas.
Cornish Beauty.

love is all around.

Valentines day is almost upon us once again. I don't know how I feel about this day; it IS a load of commercialised crap but there is something rather lovely about it. The thought of being wined & dined and romanced does appeal to me but why only on this day?!

I, for one tell Chris that I love him EVERYDAY. I tell him how gorgeous and wonderful he is all the time and feel awkward that I've GOT to be super duper nice and romantic on the 14th February. So generally, we don't do anything for this day, I don't expect anything nor does he. However, I have bought him a cute card this year an it is currently on his pillow waiting for him as I won't be there to see him in the morning (damn you sleep-ins!)

It's Chris' birthday on Sunday 17th so we are having a treat in the way of a night away in a posh hotel near us. I'm so excited! Some one-on-one time to de-stress and be together and get treated like royalty! We will have a three course diner, access to luxury spa, Cornish cream tea and a bloomin' fancy room for the night. With a bath!!!!! What?! I hear you all saying!! In our cottage we only have a shower and by golly I am missing a bath! This is what I'm most looking forward to :)

We're going through some tough problems at the moment. Really difficult & stressful and we don't know what's going to happen. and whilst we are closer than ever, I feel a night away and a bit of special time will do us the world of good.

One thing I know for sure though is that I love Chris more than ever. More with every waking moment. I still fancy the pant of him. He still makes me laugh so much I can't catch my breath & he still makes me giddy when he kisses me.

Love you Toffee.

Cornish Beauty.

cornwall | pentewan river walk.

The beautiful Pentewan valley river played host to Phoenix & I last week when we enjoyed a rather splendid walk there.

The sun made a rare appearance so we grabbed the lead and poo bags and off we went. A short drive from my house, Pentewan is located on the outskirts of St Austell and boasts a long river along woodlands and valley. Lovely.

Cornish Beauty.